Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) is a condition that may occur in combination with endometriosis and has a prevalence of 1 - 11%. After persistence of pain of more than three months CPPS is likely. After exclusion of inflammatory, traumatic and other conditions the diagnosis may be considered. Symptoms include painful sensations in the pelvic area, tingling feelings, burning sensations, micturition and voiding disorders, overactive bladder including frequency and urgency, painful micturitions and stool passage as well of just the presence of "something being there' with or without pain. Treatment options depend on the leading symptom. As for the pain, the WHO scheme of pain treatment should be considered including anti-inflammatory pain medication. Additionally, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, anticholinergics, alpha-blockers, phytotherapy and physical therapy, acupuncture and local or systemic hormonal therapies may be indicated.