Background. For over 15 years in the Department of Family Medicine at Wroclaw Medical University a specialized training of doctors in family medicine has been conducted. Objectives. The aim of the study was the detailed analysis and evaluation of various forms of education in family medicine training and learning about doctors' opinions as to the curriculum, organization of classes, as well as preferred forms of assessment of the training. Material and methods. The survey was conducted in the period from March to May 2010 and concerned a group of 40 residents currently undergoing specialized training course in family medicine. The study was made on an anonymous basis, based on a specially designed questionnaire. Results. Specializing doctors are brought the most education benefits due to training in phantom skills laboratories, work with the patient in general practice, interactive workshops and problem based learning. In all three categories: knowledge, pragmatism and attractive form of communication, the least were assessed: participation in scientific research and work in quality improvement cycle. A multiple choice test was the most elected form of assessment of the training. Conclusions. The education program of specialized training in family medicine is to prepare a young doctor to take continuing, comprehensive and holistic care upon his patients. It should often use innovative teaching methods and actively involve trained persons in the education process.