In this paper, the object of study is the process of formation and current state of the legal and political norms, aimed at provision of international assistance to countries with special development needs. The aim is to gain new scientific knowledge about the formation of the customary rules of international law and the political commitments at international level in the interests of developing and least developed countries. The author uses historical and logical methods of scientific knowledge, analyzes the development of international economic relations in the process of providing assistance to developing countries. This article contains historical analysis of the investigated problem subject to the provisions of these important documents in this sphere as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, Declaration on the Right to Development of 1986, Declaration on Environment and Development of 1992, United Nations Millennium Declaration of 2000, Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development of 2002, Istanbul Declaration on the Least Developed Countries of 2011, Declaration of RIO+20, Addis Ababa Action Programme of 2015 on Financing for Development etc. The author investigates the provision of international assistance to developing countries in such areas as trade, reducing the burden of external debt, technical assistance, increased funding and foreign direct investment, international support domestic reforms, the provision of official development assistance, and others. The article also provides an institutional framework for the study of international economic relations in the interests of developing countries - a description of the main activities in the field of the development of the World Bank Group, International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the UN specialized agencies. The author concludes the study of the formation of the historical period at the international level of the complex international legal and political commitments made by the majority of states and aimed at building a stable economic relations with a view to inclusive economic growth for countries in need. Also, the author sums up the close relationship of international standards in the field of promoting socio-economic development of countries in need with the implementation of one of the most important international human rights - the right to development, as established in the Declaration of 1986.