The development of the Venezuelan Caribbean Regional, is formed by. major seaports Maracaibo Puerto Cabello and La Guaira. Which are located in the Andean axis, which is formed by five countries, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela. Which promoted a system of coordination for the strategic planning of the integration of physical and disincronizacion international trade activities. The Andean axis is characterized by articulating the major international airports and seaports of the five countries. Causing it a strategic point for international negotiations in Venezuela the main urban centers, it comprises the cities of Caracas, Maracay, Valencia, Maracaibo, Puerto La Cruz, Barcelona, Ciudad Guayana and San Cristobal. Within the Andean Venezuela axis is the focal point of Caracas with the rail network and support commercial negotiations in the Orinoco river Apure axis. In Venezuela the main urban centers are: Caracas, Maracay, Valencia, Maracaibo, Puerto La Cruz, Barcelona, Ciudad Guayana and San Cristobal. Within the Andean Venezuela axis is the focal point of Caracas with the rail network and support commercial negotiations in the Orinoco river Apure axis.