The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of goal direction, as a result of the relation between sports participation motivation and the perceived motivational climate of amputee football players. 85 amputee football players are cast as a sample group. The average age of amputee football players in this research is 27.51 +/- 8.1 years. "Motivation Scale for Sports Participation of People with Disabilities (MSSPPD)", developed by Tekkursun and others (2018), "Perceived Motivational Climate in Sports Scale" adapted to Turkish sportspeople by Toros (2001) and "Task and Ego Orientation in Sports Scale" are used as data collection tools. "Ethics Committee Approval" and research permissions are obtained from the Ethics Committee to implement the data collection tools of amputee football players. Data and scales, which are uploaded to Google Forms online platform, are collected through scale method on internet. During the analyses of research data, whether the distribution of the scale data is normal or not is observed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test, in order to find out if there is a need to execute parametric analyses at descriptive statistics of arithmetic average, frequency, standard deviation and percentages. For normally distributed paired comparison, independent t test analysis is employed. As a result of t-test made in a mastery climate, there is a meaningful statistical difference between averages of players with high task orientation and players with high ego orientation (t=8,123; p<0,05). As a consequence of t test made in performance climate, there is a meaningful statistical difference between averages of players with high task orientation and players with high ego orientation (t = - 8,458; p<0,05). In the field of sports psychology, although there are several types of research executed with regards to participation motivation and perceived motivational climate, more researches regarding people with disabilities might be considered to be executed.