To evaluate serologic diagnosis of hepatitis delta virus, we tested HDV RNA in stored sera from 48 patients with acute delta hepatitis who were identified with anti-HD antibodies. Initial sera were positive for HDV RNA in 27 of 48 (56%) patients. In comparison, isolated IgM anti-HD was present in 18 (38%) patients, although IgM and IgG anti-HD were present concurrently in 16 (33%) additional patients. Overall, either HDV RNA or IgM anti-HD was present in 69% of the initial sera. The HDV infection was self-limiting in all except two patients who died of fulminant hepatitis and nine others in whom chronic delta hepatitis ensued. Patterns of HDV seropositivity during progression to chronicity included variable persistence, disappearance or recrudescence of either HDV RNA or IgM and IgG anti-HD. Results of HDV RNA and IgM anti-HD tests were concordant in only 40-50% of instances. Our results indicate that serological testing for HDV RNA is direct and will demonstrate HDV replication in a large number of cases with acute delta hepatitis. Testing for IgM anti-HD could provide supplemental evidence for HDV infection. Sequential testing for these markers will facilitate assessment of the outcome of acute HDV infection.