State-Nation in Colombia;
regional representations;
political literature of Colombia;
Jose Maria Samper;
Luis Lopez de Mesa;
D O I:
D0 [政治学、政治理论];
0302 ;
030201 ;
This document present to the "Santanderanidad like a politic representation, concept built by very important people of Colombian liberal party. This document shows the central elements and social political contexts where Jose Maria Samper, in the middle of XIX century and Luis Lopez de Mesa from 1920 to 1940 related about the human groups of Santander, Their publications ("Essay about the political revolutions and the social condition of Colombian Republic" by J.M. Samper, and "How has been formed the Colombian nation" by L. Lopez de Mesa), are classical in the political literature of the Colombian nation, They were written in different historical periods but it is possible to find big similitudes, especially in themes like "mestizaje" or ethnic groups existents in Colombia,