Research on the use of lasers in dentistry began about 60 years, up until recently was little known, but later became one of the most effective technologies of this century. The objective of this research is to describe theapplications of lasers in dentistry, through a literature review. Due to the lack ofreviews of the literature in Spanish related to the laser, specifically on the implementation of this in the dental areas, was considered appropriate to develop a systematic review on this topic there are different types of lasers, which have different applications in dentistry, the most widely used are the Er: YAG in Operative, Nd: YAG laser in endodontics and periodontics, and CO2 in soft tissues. The laser produces multiple benefits to patients, such as: no pain in most cases avoiding the use of anesthesia, significant decrease in bleeding, precise removal of caries, allows better healing with less pain and inflammation, among other. The laser is highly used in different areas of dentistry, especially in areas such as Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontics, Endodontics and Operative. It recommends more research on lasers applied in the areas of Surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry and Orthodontics.