Analysis of high frequency (150-250 Hz) in the signal-averaged electrocardiogram (SAECG) is one of the emerging methods for detecting vessel patency in acute myocardial infarction following thrombolytic therapy and angioplasty. Root mean-square voltage (RMSV) of the filtered QRS has been used in earlier studies to detect reperfusion; however, previous analysis indicated that RMSV is sensitive to residual noise in the SAECG and errors in QRS delineation (onset/offset). A new measurement is proposed, high-frequency energy (HFQE), and the robustness of the RMSV and HFQE was evaluated for simulated errors in QRS delineation. In this study two measures (RMSV and HFQE) were tested on 24 control subjects and 21 patients undergoing thrombolytic therapy. Results indicate that unfiltered QRS duration is more stable than filtered QRS duration for the control subjects and patients and that HFQE had less fluctuation than RMSV in thrombolytic therapy patients. In the control group, HFQE was sensitive to the amplitude variation of the filtered SAECG. Therefore, another new measurement is proposed high-frequency integral of absolute value (HFAV), for reducing the sensitivity to amplitude changes in the filtered SAECG. This new feature was tested on control subjects and was found to be more stable than HFQE. In the thrombolytic therapy group, HFAV provided similar information as HFQE. These three measurements-RMSV, HFQE, and HFAV-provide a comprehensive analysis of the high-frequency SAECG for detecting vessel patency and reocclusion. Relative merits of these measures need to be evaluated on a larger database of patients undergoing thrombolysis and angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction.