Myelomeningocele is the most common congenital defect of the central nervous system. It is characterized by occurrence of bone defect of vertebral arches through which meninges emerge. Prenatal examinations of pregnant women, especially from risk group, allow to determine child's health status in mother's womb and undertake an appropriate treatment. Nurse becoming a part of therapeutic team is obliged to perform diagnostic, therapeutic, caring, rehabilitation, preventive and educational activities towards the sick child as well as the patient's family. Aim of the study is to present the role of the nurse in care and rehabilitation of children with myelomeningocele. Nursing and a suitable choice of rehabilitation methods allow for maximal: prevention of urinary system infections, improvement of child's motor efficiency, decrease in bone and joint deformations, prevention of contractures, limitation of orthopedic interventions, stimulation of intellectual development through e.g. learning daily self-service.