Important lessons need to be learnt from the recent swine flu pandemic. Overall the population health effects of swine flu were less than a moderately severe seasonal influenza outbreak. A pandemic should not be declared unless we have both the spread of the virus but also when its virulence is above a predefined level. We need to ensure that we improve techniques to decrease the spread of infection both in the community and within our hospitals. This means improved infection control and hygiene with the use of masks, alcohol hand rubs and so on We also need to have a different approach to vaccines. Effective vaccines were produced only after the epidemic had passed and so had relatively little efficacy in preventing many infections. Mass population strategies involving vaccines and antivirals also misused large amounts of scarce medical resources.
Osasuneko zuzendari nagusia, Osasun Departamentua, Nafarroako Gobernua, Iruna, SpainOsasuneko zuzendari nagusia, Osasun Departamentua, Nafarroako Gobernua, Iruna, Spain
Artundo, Carlos
de Manuel, Esteban
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Kronikgune Osasun Zerbitzuen Ikerketa Institutuko, Bilbao, SpainOsasuneko zuzendari nagusia, Osasun Departamentua, Nafarroako Gobernua, Iruna, Spain
de Manuel, Esteban
Gaminde, Idoia
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Plangintzarako Ebaluaziorako & Ezagutza Kudeatzeko, Osasun Departamentua, Nafarroako Gobernua Iruna, Iruna, SpainOsasuneko zuzendari nagusia, Osasun Departamentua, Nafarroako Gobernua, Iruna, Spain
Gaminde, Idoia
Gullon, Pedro
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Alcalako Unibertsitatea, Med eta Osasun Zientzien Fak, Kirurgia Med eta Gizarte Zientzietako Departamentu, Madril, SpainOsasuneko zuzendari nagusia, Osasun Departamentua, Nafarroako Gobernua, Iruna, Spain
Gullon, Pedro
Manzanera, Rafael
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Univ Pompeu Fabra Bartzelona, Bartzelona, SpainOsasuneko zuzendari nagusia, Osasun Departamentua, Nafarroako Gobernua, Iruna, Spain
Ol Investment Zrt, Patol Osztaly, Fehervar Ut 108-112, H-1116 Budapest, HungaryOl Investment Zrt, Patol Osztaly, Fehervar Ut 108-112, H-1116 Budapest, Hungary