This article intends to raise the issues that have most been part of my first year of Environmental Education, as a consequence of the rich experience acquired in the subject Advanced Studies in Environmental Education, in which fourteen articles of varied nationalities from The Journal of Environmental Education, were analysed. I was in charge of presenting two of them in class: "Knowledge and Attitudes regarding sea turtles in elementary students on Zakyntos, Greece", in this articule the authors constructed a 32-item survey instrument to measure knowledge and aspects of attitudes (issue understanding and concern, locus of control, and verbal commitent) regarding sea turtle conservation on Zakynthos, Greece. In the other articule" The effect of environmental education on Schoolchildren, their parents, and community members: A study of intergenerational and intercommunity learning", the authors examined the hypothesis that children learn and retain conservation principles in school students in a Costa Rica village received. This, we have had contact with a significant sample of scientific productions from the most different realities and parts of the world. To the above I adoded my impressions of Segundo Congresso de Educacion Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sustentable de la Republica Argentina, in which I was able to encounter a different perspective for environmental education, which unites the renenoval of the sindical movement with continued formation of teachers. In the second part of this article I intended to reproduce the main topics presented by the speakers in the most faithful and synthetic manner, believing that they are more than relevant to enable us the perception of how distant are conceptions of The Journal of Environmental Education and that of the Second Congress in Argentina. I this intend to show a wider picture of hiw environment education has been interpreted and integrated to the most varied discourses ad objectives which are often antagonic.