Examined verbal learning and memory in children with myelomeningocele using the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT). Participants included 41 children with myelomeningocele, 8 to 15 years of age, 33 of whom had a history of shunted hydrocephalus, and 41 matched, unaffected controls. Children with myelomeningocele and shunted hydrocephalus performed worse than controls on the CVLT, They recalled as many words as controls on the first learning trial, but acquired words more slowly across trials, so that their overall recall was lower. Their learning was characterized by a pronounced recency effect. Their delayed recall of the original list was worse than controls, but not their recognition. Performance of children with myelomeningocele but without shunts was generally not significantly different from that of the other two groups, although they did demonstrate better long-delay free recall than children with shunts. Myelomeningocele is associated with significant retrieval problems when accompanied by shunted hydrocephalus.