Context: Puducherry has the highest suicide prevalence rate in India by 2014, predominantly among the 14-30 years age group. Aims: The aim of the present study is to study the characteristics of adolescent and youth suicide attempters in Puducherry and measure the suicide intent. Settings and Design: An observational study of 6 months duration was conducted in the Department of Psychiatry, at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry, India. Materials and Methods: Modified version of World Health Organizations SUicide PREvention Multisite Intervention Study on Suicidal questionnaire was used to collect sociodemographic data and Beck's suicide intent scale was used to measure the suicide intent scores. International Classification of Diseases-10 was used for diagnosis. Statistical Analysis: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 13 was used for descriptive analysis and correlation statistics. P value was set as <0.05. Results: Of 56 eligible participants, 40 formed the sample, their mean age was 18. 13 (±2.50), more females (1.1:1), rural, literate, lower socioeconomic status (67.5%), mostly single (90%), living in nuclear (95%), and Hindu (87.5%). One hundred percent had psychosocial stressors before suicide attempt. Acute stress disorder/adjustment disorder was the most common diagnosis. Emotionally unstable and anankastic personality traits were seen in 12%. Pesticide ingestion (45%) was the most common suicide method. Sixty percent attempted suicide within <30 min of suicidal contemplation. Statistical associations were found between the alleged purpose, seriousness, attitude toward living/dying, conception about medical rescuability, and the overall suicide intent. Conclusions: Adolescent and youth suicide attempts occur due to psychosocial stressors rather than due to the past or on-going mental health disorders with above personality traits suggest poor coping skills and resilience taken to deal with stressful situations by younger people. © 2016 Indian Psychiatric Society | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow.