Invasive aspergillosis is a rare complication of AIDS. We discuss the cases of 18 patients with AIDS and invasive aspergillosis who were identified at our institution and 19 patients who are described in the literature. Twenty-one patients were either homosexual or bisexual, eight were intravenous drug users. three were hemophiliacs, two attributed their disease to a heterosexual contact, and one was a transfusion recipient; risk factors for AIDS were unknown for two patients. Twenty-eight of the 37 patients had pulmonary aspergillosis; for 18 of these 28, the lung was the sole site of disease. Aspergillosis involved the brain in 12 cases, the heart in five cases, and the kidney, sinuses, or skin in six other cases. Eleven patients had multiple sites of disease, and eight patients had extrapulmonary disease alone. Possible risk factors for aspergillosis included leukopenia (7 patients, of whom 5 were also neutropenic) and use of corticosteroids (8 patients), alcohol (6 patients). broad-spectrum antibiotics (5 patients), and antineoplastic agents (4 patients); 14 patients had no identifiable risk. Death was the usual outcome, despite treatment of patients with amphotericin B. In cases of AIDS and invasive aspergillosis, early diagnosis may lead to improved outcome.