The influence of tomato fruit ripeness on area- and perimeter-dependent properties and dominant failure mechanisms of pericarp tissue were investigated. Tissue discs from mature-green and red-ripe fruit were punctured with a flat-ended cylindrical probe and compressed with a flat plate at a constant rate of deformation. Approximately linear force-deformation curves were obtained to tissue failure by both puncture and flat plate compression, interrupted by a region of pseudoplastic deformation at a relatively low initial bioyield force. Based on estimated area- and perimeter-dependent coefficients and firmness (force/deformation) values, initial bioyielding of tissue appeared to be associated with an abrupt increase in cell-to-cell compaction. Puncture of mature-green tissue led to premature failure induced by shearing or rupture of tissue at the probe perimeter. The contribution to puncture of perimeter-dependent or shear-associated forces and a putative ''zone of influence'' increased markedly with ripening, while the contribution of area-dependent or compression associated forces generally decreased. A concomitant decrease in failure force and firmness with ripening reflected a general loss of both tissue compression and shear strengths. These results suggested that the dominant mode of tissue failure changed with ripening, from cell relaxation and rupture to cell debonding. The data obtained in this study emphasize the need to exercise caution in the interpretation of force-deformation parameters derived from puncture tests alone.