The phylogenetic diversity of small-subunit rRNA genes associated,vith the domain Bacteria was examined (by using previously defined operational taxonomic units [C. L. Moyer, F. C. Dobbs, and D. M. Karl, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:871-879, 1994]; those for Pele's Vents Bacteria are hereafter abbreviated PVB OTUs) with samples from a microbial mat at an active, deep-sea hydrothermal vent system. A cluster of phylogenetically related PVB OTUs (OTUs 2, 3, 6, and 8) was closely affiliated with Thiovulum sp. contained within the epsilon subclass of the class Proteobacteria and accounted for 60.5% of the small-subunit rRNA bacterial clone library from Pele's Vents. A second, smaller cluster of PVB OTUs (OTUs 1 and 11) was closely affiliated with Xanthomonas sp., contained within the gamma subclass of the Proteobacteria and accounted for a total of 27.1% of the bacterial clone library. The remaining five PVB OTUs each accounted for 2.1% of the clones recovered and were affiliated with the following phylogenetic groups: PVB OTU 5 was a member of the Alteromonas group; PVB OTU 12 was a member of the Colwellia assemblage; PVB OTU 4 was loosely determined to be a member of the Thiothrix group, with the endosymbiotic bacteria from Bathymodiolus thermophilus and Calyptogena magnifica as the nearest relatives; PVB OTU 10B was a member of the Myxobacterium group; and PVB OTU 9A was a member of the Paraphyletic assemblage, with the Octopus Spring microbial mat type K clone as the closest known relative. PVB OTU 7 was determined to be a PCR-generated chimeric structure combined from two described phylotypes detected in this study, thereby decreasing the previously estimated number of major PVB OTUs from 12 to 11.