The expansion method by a time-dependent basis of the eigenfunctions for the space-coordinate-dependent sub-Hamiltonian is one of the most natural frameworks for quantum systems, relativistic as well as nonrelativistic. The complete set of wave functions is found in the product integral formulation, whose constants of integration are fixed by Cauchy initial data. The wave functions for the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmology conformally and minimally coupled to a scalar field with a power-law potential or a polynomial potential are expanded in terms of the eigenfunctions of the scalar field sub-Hamiltonian part. The resultant gravitational field part which is an "intrinsic" timelike variable-dependent matrix-valued differential equation is solved again in the product integral formulation. There are classically allowed regions for the "intrinsic" timelike variable depending on the scalar field quantum numbers and these regions increase accordingly as the quantum numbers increase. For a fixed large three-geometry the wave functions corresponding to the low excited (small quantum number) states of the scalar field are exponentially damped or diverging and the wave functions corresponding to the high excited (large quantum number) states are still oscillatory but become eventually exponential as the three-geometry becomes larger. Furthermore, a proposal is advanced that the wave functions exponentially damped for a large three-geometry may be interpreted as "tunneling out" wave functions into, and the wave functions exponentially diverging as "tunneling in" from, different universes with the same or different topologies, the former being interpreted as the recently proposed Hawking-Page wormhole wave functions. It is observed that there are complex as well as Euclidean actions depending on the quantum numbers of the scalar field part outside the classically allowed region both of the gravitational and scalar fields, suggesting the usefulness of complex geometry and complex trajectories. From the most general wave functions for the FRW cosmology conformally coupled to scalar field, the boundary conditions for the wormhole wave functions are modified so that the modulus of wave functions, instead of the wave functions themselves, should be exponentially damped for a large three-geometry and be regular up to some negative power of the three-geometry as the three-geometry collapses. The wave functions for the FRW cosmology minimally coupled to an inhomogeneous scalar field are similarly found in the product integral formulation. The role of a large number of the inhomogeneous modes of the scalar field is not only to increase the classically allowed regions for the gravitational part but also to provide a mechanism of the decoherence of quantum interferences between the different sizes of the universe.