Objective: To estimate the nutritional status according to anthropometric variables (total area of the arm, the arm, fat area of arm muscle area) in a sample of undergraduate students of the course fitness and health of the Faculty of engineering of the University of Carabobo. Materials and methods: a group of 202 college students, 83 female and 119 male ranges in age from 17 to 25 years for both sexes, which was practiced Anthro pometry of the arm (perimeter of arm and fold tricipital) were assessed. According to the muscle and fat areas categorized subjects in low standard, Normal, and on the rule. Results: In the muscular area, 49.9 per cent of University students and 48.2% of the University were placed under the rule presented malnutrition deficit while 48.7% of University students and 48.2% of the University in category of normality and minor percentage above the norm for both sexes, in the meantime, fat area the highest percentage stood at the normal category for both sexesfollowed by a 26.6 per cent for males and 14.5 per cent for females in the standard category, featuring men greater malnutrition due to excess, while a small percentage in the category under the norm for both sexes, then the men obtained values significantly greater in total and muscular area of the arm with regard to females, not being the case for the fat area. Conclusions: According to the results acquired, should be considered more anthropometric, biochemical and social variables for best results as well as, it can also point out the need for policies and programs of nutrition education in all the races of the pensum of the universities, to guide the students to have healthy nutrition habits and at the same time get positive changes in your lifestyle.