At the orthopedic departments in Sweden, the hip fracture patients continuously occupy up to one third of the bed resources. Hip fractures in Sweden consume more hospital days than all the cancer patients together. In the middle of the 1980s, the annual number of hip fractures amounted to 6,500 in Denmark, 4,500 in Finland, 260 in Iceland, 6,000 in Norway and 14,000 in Sweden. The calculated number of hip fractures in the year 2000 is dependent on if the prognosis is based solely on the increasing number of elderly in the population or if also the increasing incidence during the last decades is included. An increase up to the year 2000 of 50-100 percent is prognosticated for Scandinavia. The proportions cervical/trochanteric fractures varies. In Norway and Sweden it is close to 1/1, whereas Iceland and Finland have more cervical than trochanteric fractures. In Iceland, however, trochanteric fractures are increasing. Finally, in all of Scandinavia, 3 out of 4 hip fracture patients are women.