The pharmacokinetic properties of pirenzepine following administration of a single, 50 mg oral dose were evaluated in three groups of subjects: group I, end stage renal disease requiring maintenance haemodialysis (CLCR 0 to 10 ml·min-1); group II, moderate renal insufficiency (CLCR 10 to 30 ml·min-1); and group III, mild renal dysfunction (CLCR 30 to 70 ml·min-1). Additionally, subjects in group I received a 50 mg dose on a non-dialysis day and at least one week later, a 50 mg dose during haemodialysis. There was a linear relationship (r = 0.97) between pirenzepine renal clearance and renal function as measured by creatinine clearance. The harmonic mean terminal half-life for pirenzepine was 17.3 h in subjects with end stage renal disease, 18.0 h in subjects with moderate renal insufficiency and 14.7 h in subjects with mild renal dysfunction. Haemodialysis reduced the level of circulating pirenzepine by approximately 25%. The mean arterial to venous plasma pirenzepine ratio during hemodialysis was 1.29 (range 1.02-1.56). Based on subjective reporting of adverse experiences and clinical observation, pirenzepine appeared to have had a wide margin of safety in these patients. Dry mouth was the most frequently reported adverse experience attributable to pirenzepine administration. A reduction in dose or dosing frequency may be warranted only in end state renal disease (CLCR 0 to 10 ml·min-1). © 1990 Springer-Verlag.