dental attrition;
age change;
sex difference;
D O I:
R78 [口腔科学];
1003 ;
We examined changes in dental attrition levels by sex and age group among Japanese people in the Jomon (16,000 BP-2,300 BP) and Edo (1603-1868 AD) periods. We discuss here the changes in attrition by time period and the changes in diet which could be speculated based on such changes in attrition. In the Jomon people, attrition advanced rapidly from early middle age and became considerable in late middle to older age. In the Edo people, attrition occurred to a much lesser degree. Skeletal remains from the Edo period indicate that attrition was more advanced in late middle age and the elderly than in early middle age; however, the advancement of attrition was gradual, and the attrition level was not as considerable as in the Jomon people. From these results, it can be predicted that attrition levels differed in Japanese people over time and that the differences in attrition levels decreased between early middle age and late middle age and the elderly.