Precipitation is limited in the Southern Great Plains, and farmers must minimize production costs and control erosion. The purpose of this research was to determine economic feasibility of dryland no- and reduced-tillage systems compared with sweep plowing on Pullman clay loam soil (fine, mixed, mesic Torrertic Paleustoll) in continuous winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Thell) and in a winter wheat-sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]-fallow rotation with two crops produced in 3 yr. Economic analyses considered 4-yr averages of income and treatment costs. In continuous winter wheat, sweep plowing yielded significantly less (425 kg ha-1) than the best no-tillage treatment in 2 of 4 yr. Because of low variable costs, sweeping was most profitable in the short-term, and when machinery depreciation was considered for the long-term, sweep tillage followed by glyphosate lost the least money. In the fallow period between sorghum and wheat, sweep plowing yielded significantly less than the best no-tillage 2 of 4 yr or an average of 275 kg ha-1. However, because of low variable costs, sweep plowing was the most profitable in the short run, $84 ha-1, but $3 ha-1 less profitable in the long run than sweep plowing followed by glyphosate. In the wheat-sorghum part of the rotation, using paraquat or glyphosate alone resulted in lowest yields because of poor weed control. Sweep plowing yielded less than the best no-tillage 1 of 4 yr, but lower costs made it the most profitable, both short and long term.