Results of morbidity and medical care surveys of the Santiago's population are presented in this paper. A random sample of 1.000 dwellings with 4.700 people was selected and studied 3 times, in 1993 and 1994. All health events (acute and chronic morbidity, health examinations, dental care) and main features of medical care were registred in the interviews which covered a P-week period each time. The population sample had similar caracteristics than the results of the last Population and Dwellings Chilean Census. Health events were registered with high frequency: 56% of the families had one or more members with chronic disease; 51% with acute diseases; 46% with emotional troubles; 24% had dental care; 17% health examination and 6% different types of injuries. Frequency of medical care during the fortnight period was 5.6% out of fetal population of acute disease; 1.0% of injuries; 4.9% for chronic diseases, 3.9% of health examinations and 5.6% of dental care. Frequency of diseases was significantly higher among women (50%) than in men (33%) and in poor people than in higher socioeconomic levels. Most of the acute disease were respiratory illnesses followed by communicable diseases, skin troubles and rheumatologic disorders. The most important detected chronic diseases were blood hypertension, diabetes mellitus bronchial asthma and alcoholic addiction. Self care was the answer to disease episodes in 60.9% of the cases and medical care was present in the remaining 39.1% Ratio of patients with medical care was 49.6% of acute patients, 49.2% of injuries and 29.8% of chronic diseases. Main reasons for not having professional care were quick evolution of disease, personal reasons, or defects in the medical care system. The public sector gave medical care to 33.2% of the patients and was present in 39% out of total medical care of acute diseases; 45.4% of chronic diseases and 69.9% of injuries