Environmental management focused on the natural tourist attractions is becoming a promising strategy for the tourist market, because in addition to cherish the conservation of natural resources, provides competitiveness and induces economic returns in tourist destinations. In this perspective, the objective of this study was to analyze the environmental impacts on natural tourist attractions in Baia Formosa city, RN, Brazil. In relation to the methodology, the research shows a qualitative and quantitative approach, of character descriptive and exploratory, having examined existing environmental impacts, by applying questionnaire with the residents and tourists, as well as through research of gabinete and in loco that served to complement the local data. In analyzing the results, it was found that there are twelve natural attractions of tourist use in the locality, being the Mata Estrela the most attractive monitored and, therefore, that showed the best condition Mata Estrela. In turn, presented the incidence of aggravating environmental impacts and the least conserved was the beach of Porto Beach. Also observed, in a SWOT analysis, the district has great potential as an opportunity for growth of ecotourism, however, as greatest weakness was seen infrequently in the environmental education activities. Concluded that it's important to work strongly work the environmental management of the locality in relation to: environmental signage, sanitation in areas of attractions, visitor control, inspections, among others.