This study examined the relationship between total arsenic levels in hair of employees in a semiconductor fabrication facility and job responsibility, a surrogate variable for arsenic exposure potential. Maintenance personnel who regularly worked in equipment cleaning areas were assumed to have higher potential for occupational exposure than other employees. Occipital scalp hair samples were collected from 30 maintenance personnel, supervisors, and equipment engineers with high, medium, and low potential for exposure and from 26 administrative employees. Total arsenic in hair was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy with hydride generation. Workplace air and wipe samples were analyzed to verify differing exposure potential in fabrication and administrative areas. Subjects completed written questionnaires to identify possible nonoccupational sources of arsenic. Mean hair arsenic in two of the three groups working in or near fabrication areas was slightly higher but not statistically different from that of administrative controls. Eliminating smokers, only the maintenance group regularly assigned to fabrication areas was higher than administrative controls but still not statistically different. A regression analyst of all factors indicated that sex tapwater consumption, and dietary habits were significant contributors to arsenic in hair. Trends among these groups were consistent with expected exposure potential, although not dramatically different from controls. Main study conclusions were that (1) nonoccupational sources of arsenic can be expected to contribute more to hair levels in employees than that observed in this particular semiconductor work environment, where safe work practices were believed to be followed; and (2) monitoring should be considered in this industry to identify employees experiencing chronic, low-level arsenic exposures only if the facility also examines nonoccupational sources of exposure. Further study is needed to correlate hair arsenic level with internal body burden of those species of arsenic primarily responsible for its toxic effects.