Properties of slag cement that contained 50 wt% of blast furnace slag were studied when replaced blast furnace slag powder with electric arc furnace slag powder. Electric arc furnace slag was aged for about 2 months in the air by being crushed to be 1-3 mm in size. As a result of the experiment, it was proven that the water content for obtaining the same consistency became decreased as slag is replaced with electric arc furnace slag instead of blast furnace slag. Also, the workability of mortar increased about 30% at the same ratio of water to binder when blast furnace slag was completely replaced with electric arc furnace slag. The compressive strength of mortar on the 28 days increased when a slag replacement rate became 10 wt%, however, it rather decreased when the slag replacement rate exceeded 10 wt%. The heat of hydration became higher for the first 14 h in case of the replacement of slag cement by electric arc furnace slag. Yet, it decreased when 14 h had passed. Therefore, when all blast furnace slag was replaced with electric arc furnace slag, about 15 cal/g heat of hydration decreased when it passed about 72 h.