The article considered the essence of management of marketing research companies on the basis of intangible assets ratings. Despite the quantitative growth of the research market remain actual such problem as the market niche definition, the formation of own customer network, the effective positioning on the market. There are no objections that it is impossible to win the competition relying only on the strengths of tangible assets using. Competitive of the research companies is determined by using not only productive assets and financial resources, but also intangible assets. Thus, there is a need of using special tools for competitiveness improving. In such circumstances, the development and increase of intangible assets as estimated part of research companies can be a tool for services of research companies promotion. The aim of the article. In the article is outlined the role of marketing activities management of the research companies based on ratings and creation of the ranking algorithm for research companies by the development of intangible assets. After having formed a clear idea about the role of intangible assets in the manufacturing process of research organizations can be identified areas of the efficiency of the company improving and development its strategy on the market that will provide future growth and competitiveness of research companies. The results of analysis. Research companies are interested in certain ratings of intangible assets indicators of their activities. Conducted rating score will serve as an indicator of the company's competitiveness on the market and determine the degree of intangible assets. Feature is the development level of intangible assets that will be estimated in terms of appropriate research companies` customer, which in turn will determine the positioning of the company in the potential consumers minds. Ratings using in the management of marketing activities of research companies will be named rating management in research companies. Thus, the rating control is a process, which uses ranking to analyze, control, account, forecast and adjustment of research companies marketing activities. Thereby, the creation research organizations rating will act as the target function for ranking management of research companies. Rating of intangible assets measuring of researched companies serves an indicator of the companies competitiveness on the market, so as a goal of companies management. Considering the previously created overall strategy based on intangible assets, there are making management decisions, which influence overall competitive state of the research company. The procedure of ratings management of research companies is based on the valuation of development level of intangible assets. Intangible assets are considered a complex of components which generates an added value for the company. The complex of intangible assets is divided into three groups - intellectual (professional competence of staff, ensuring the development of each worker, learning ability, the ability to operate under the company's strategy and to achieve common goals), market (number of loyal clients, developing brand image, customer satisfaction) and structural capital (the performance of the client network, the presence of feedback between client and company, the development of corporate cooperation and culture). It is appropriate to analyze the relationship between the intangible assets and the strategy of research organization in such context. The value of intangible assets is determined by their compliance with the strategic priorities of the company, neither by the amount of funds spent on their creation, nor how much they cost themselves. If intangible assets are fully consistent with the strategy, their value to the organization increases significantly. Conclusions and direction for further research. There are the following advantages of using ratings of intangible assets indicators in the management of researching company: improving of governance reliability by reducing the extent of information processed; decreasing time and cost expenditure to develop the strategy of the research company management with using standard elementary strategies; possibility to assess different options of strategies and to examine their consistency and correctness by using such an indicator of the research firm state, as evaluation rating of intangible assets. As follows, decisions made by the chiefs of research companies on ratings of intangible assets affect the trend of the research companies state and their strategic goals, what can cause to changes in the total rating research company.