Biometeorology in Austria has been shaped by concepts, personalities, and technology. In early times, the branches of biometeorology that are usual today were already evident: agricultural and forest meteorology, phenology, medical biometeorology and balneology, aerial biometeorology, urban housing and stabling meteorology all started to emerge several centuries ago. From the 1920 up to 1936, Wilhelm Schmidt at the Agricultural University of Austria laid the foundations of modern biometeorology. He was followed by Franz Sauberer, who headed a Department of Biometeorology at the National Weather Service and devoted his active life totally to biometeorology. Several years after his untimely death, the Department was dissolved. Not until 1981 was biometeorology taken up again at the Agricultural University, where the tradition of Schmidt and Sauberer now lives on in several courses within the area of applied biometeorology: Micro- and Topoclimatology, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and Atmospheric Radiation. Biometeorology, being an experimental science, has also been influenced by new technological developments. The early period was exclusively observational. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries mechanical and simple electric instruments were used with strip-chart recorders. These time consuming methods have now been replaced by electronic devices, including data loggers and portable computers along with many new electronic sensors, which provide additional insight into biometeorological problems. Since computers also make it possible to solve some of the complicated equations of biometeorology, the future of this science seems to be bright, not only in Austria but throughout the world.