The main research problem is focused on the following question: is it possible to identify specific patterns of interaction between construct of psychopathy and personality traits. The research was conducted on a sample of 223 respondents of both genders (17 to 60 years old). The frame of reference for psychopathy assessment were KleklyHare's criterias for assessment of this disorder, specified in the UPP-2 questionnaire (UPP-2; Novovic, Smederevac and Gavrilov, 2007), which includes four dimensions (impulsivity, psychopathic lifestyle, antisocial behavior and psychopathic affect). The frame of reference for personality assessment was the alternative five-factor model (ZKPQ; Zuckerman, 2002), specified in the ZKPQ questionnaire, and consisted of five basic personality traits (activity, aggressiveness/hostility, impulsive sensation seeking, neuroticism/anxiety and sociability). The matrix of squared Euclidean distances (in the common space of factor scores on the principal components of ZKPQ and UPP-2 questionnaires) was a subject of the Ward hierarchical cluster analysis method, extracting three clusters. According to the discriminant function: tendency toward risky and antisocial behaviors and psychopathic affect, the clusters were identified: the group of emotionally reserved person, the group of pro-social oriented person and the group of people prone to antisocial and risky behavior. The results have considerable implications for the preventation programs development and implementation.