Clinically, prostate cancer (prostatic adenocarcinoma) is now the most frequently diagnosed cancer in males and the second leading cause of mortality due to cancer in the United States. However, because 75% of histologic prostate cancers remain functionally benign (will not metasiasize and kill the patient), mass screening of the male population for the disease has become a hotly debated issue among urologists. The real challenge in the upcoming decade for geriatricians, though, will be to diagnose earlier in their course the prostate cancers which, if not treated, will metastasize and kill the patient and thus allow this subgroup of patients the opportunity to be treated more effectively. This review briefly discusses the etiology of prostate cancer, ways the disease may present, current treatments, depending on disease stage, screening in the diagnosis of prostate cancer, and quality of life issues important to patients confronted with the disease.