Nurses face moral problems, moral dilemmas and moral distress in their professional daily. The moral distress manifests itself when nurses demonstrate difficulties to face situations morally appropriate following their conscious. The study aims to focus about the nurses' moral distress and their relationship with moral problems and moral dilemmas presenting concepts, moral distress experiences and possible strategies to be adopted to face it. To focus on the moral distress provoked by facing the moral problems and dilemmas in nursery work seems to be primordial not just to reveal a phenomenon still a little known even experienced almost every day but, also to headline the need of problematization and valorization of the ethical dimension of work in health.
Bar Ilan Univ, Sch Social Work, Ramat Gan, Israel
Bar Ilan Univ, Sch Social Work, IL-52900 Ramat Gan, IsraelBar Ilan Univ, Sch Social Work, Ramat Gan, Israel