A deterministic mass balance model for nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics was previously developed and calibrated to a comprehensive set of field data for Lake Okeechobee. In the present study, diagnostic and sensitivity analyses were conducted with the calibrated model to better understand factors controlling phytoplankton and load-response dynamics in the lake. Phytoplankton growth rate limitation due to underwater light attenuation appears to be substantially greater than growth rate limitation due to non-optimal phosphorus concentrations. Phytoplankton biomass appears strongly controlled by the supply rate of dissolved available phosphorus to the water column. The dynamics of total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations in the lake are strongly influenced by sediment-water phosphorus fluxes. There is a wide range of uncertainty in responses of total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations to changes in tributary phosphorus loadings. Much of this uncertainty is due to a lack of quantitative understanding of sediment responses to changes in tributary loadings. Other important factors are inter-annual variability in hydrometeorological conditions and the potential influence of wind-induced resuspension of particulate phosphorus. Responses of total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations for a given change in tributary loading depend not only on the magnitide of the loading change, but also on the time frame after the loading change due to a lag in sediment response. Load-response predictions for Lake Okeechobee must lake into account changes in available phosphorus loadings to the water column, and must be premised on assumptions for changes in internal phosphorus loadings from the sediments. Results from this preliminary modeling analysis are provisional in that they do not include potential nitrogen limitation, potential interactions between phosphorus and nitrogen, or phytoplankton responses to potential nitrogen fixation.