The rapid expansion of computer-based systems for problem solving or decision making in medicine, the so-called medical expert systems, emphasize the need for reappraisal of their indication and value. Where specialist knowledge is required, in particular where medical decisions are susceptible to error these systems will probably serve as a valuable support. In the near future computer-based systems should be able to aid the interpretation of findings of technical investigations and the control of treatment, especially where rapid reactions are necessary despite the need of complex analysis of investigated parameters. In the distant future complete support of diagnostic procedures from the history to final diagnosis is possible. It promises to be particularly attractive for the diagnosis of seldom diseases, for difficult differential diagnoses, and in the decision making in the case of expensive, risky or new diagnostic or therapeutic methods. The physician needs to be aware of certain dangers, ranging from misleading information up to abuse. Patient information depends often on subjective reports and error-prone observations. Although basing on problematic knowledge computer-born decisions may have an imperative effect on medical decision making. Also it must be born in mind that medical decisions should always combine the rational with a consideration of human motives.