To determine whether hypocellular MDS differs from normo/hypercellular MDS, we attempted to identify hypocellular MDS cases either by correcting the bone marrow (BM) cellularity by age (28 patients) or by using a single arbitrary value of BM cellularity (25 patients) and compared these two groups of hypocellular cases to the normo/hypercellular MDS cases (72 patients). 18 patients were common to both hypocellular groups. Patients with hypocellular MDS in both of these selected groups have similar features with regard to age and sex distribution, peripheral blood and bone marrow parameters, FAB subtypes, karyotypes, leukaemic transformation, and survival. However, the median age of patients in <30% BM cellularity group was higher than those patients in the age-corrected group (69 years v 62 years). The selection of <30% cellularity excluded 10 cases in the age group <70 years but included another seven patients in the age group of >70 years, However, correction of BM cellularity by age revealed that those included patients (selected for <30% cellularity) who had normocellular BM by their age. Therefore we recommend the age-correcting grouping to ensure comparable series for comparison, for response to treatment, and survival. Finally, BM cellularity does not appear to be an important factor on prognosis in MDS, because patients with hypocellular MDS in both selected groups have similar prognosis to those with normo/hypercellular MDS patients.