Auction based resource allocation is a major challenging problem for cloud computing. However, the existing research is based on untruthful, single resource, single requirement for the premise. In this paper, a truthful auction mechanism is designed for Virtual Resource Allocation and Payment (VRAP) in cloud computing. In this mechanism, users can submit multiple requests at one time, but only one request can be satisfied, known as multi requirements single mind. It is proved that the resource providers can obtain more social welfare under this mechanism than before, and it can guarantee the users' bids are truthful. The mechanism is still compatible with the traditional auction which the user can only submit one request. For the resource allocation problem, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to get the allocation result in a short time, through the reallocation strategy, the social welfare of the cloud resource provider can be maximized. The payment algorithm takes into account critical value to ensure that the machnism is truthful. In the experiment, it is analyzed in terms of social welfare, execution time, resource utilization and so on. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme has good effect for virtual resource action.