This paper presents an indirect boundary integral equation method for analysis of quasi-static, time-harmonic and transient boundary value problems related to infinite and semi-infinite poroelastic domains. The present analysis is based on Blot's theory for poroelastodynamics with fluid viscous dissipation. The solution to a given boundary value problem is reduced to the determination of intensities of forces and fluid sources applied on an auxiliary surface defined interior to the surface on which the boundary conditions are specified. A coupled set of integral equations is established to determine the intensities of forces and fluid sources applied on the auxiliary surface. The integral equations are solved numerically in the Laplace domain for quasi-static and transient problems, and in the frequency domain for time-harmonic excitations. The kernel functions of the integral equation correspond to appropriate Green's functions for a poroelastic full space or half-space. The convergence and numerical stability of the present scheme are established by considering a number of bench mark problems. The versatility of the present method is demonstrated by studying the quasi-static response of a rigid spheroidal anchor, and time-harmonic and transient response of a rigid semi-circular tunnel.