The largely Neotropical fern genus Enterosora is enlarged and redefined to include nine species of rather spongy-textured, often pendent epiphytes. The genus, when recognized, has usually been called Glyphotaenium, a name based on an unrecognizable illustration. One African species is admitted to the genus, and a few more may belong. Hybridization is suspected among the American species, but the hybrids have well-formed spores. The affinities of Enterosora may be with other anhydathodous New World genera of Grammitidaceae, possibly Ceradenia, or with certain still ill-defined Old World groups. The following new combinations are made: E. campbellii subsp. spongiosa, E. ecostata, E. gilpinae, E. insidiosa, E. parietina, E. percrassa, E. trichosora, and E. trifurcata. The following new name is also proposed: E. asplenioides.