Researchers at the Powertrain Control Research Laboratory (PCRL) at the University of WisconsinMadison have developed a transient test system for single-cylinder engines that accurately replicates the dynamics of a multi-cylinder engine. The overall system can perform very rapid transients in excess of 10,000 rpm/second, and also replicates the rotational dynamics, intake gas dynamics, and heat transfer dynamics of a multi-cylinder engine. Testing results using this system accurately represent what would be found in the multi-cylinder engine counterpart. Therefore, engine developments can be refined to a much greater degree at lower cost, and these changes directly incorporated in the multi-cylinder engine with minimal modification. More importantly, various standardized emission tests such as the coldstart, FTP or ETC, can be run on this single-cylinder engine. These tests are currently only run using multicylinder engines, so this moves these important tests more than a year forward in the engine development cycle, and represents a significant competitive advantage. Many other advantages of this new system will be discussed in the paper.