The newborn rat kidney is not fully developed until approximately 12 days after birth. In order to evaluate the possible role of Transforming Growth Factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1) in renal development we analyzed the mRNA level for TGF beta 1 in sixty Wistar rats aged 1, 15 and 30 days. We also performed immunohistochemical studies to visualize the distribution of this peptide in the kidney of these rats using a TGF beta 1 antibody. The results show that the mRNA levels for TGF beta 1 are higher in the kidneys of the 1-day-old rats than in the 15 (1.4 fold) and 30-day-old rats (1.7 fold). The immunohistochemical reaction revealed the presence of TGF beta in the kidneys of the rats. The staining intensity was higher in the renal cortex than in the medulla. The data suggests that TGF beta may be important during kidney development.