It has been shown that smoking leads to an increase in the serum level of alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor (API). The aim of this study was to examine whether there is an influence of air pollution on the serum level of API as well. Our survey was done,n 781 women in the age of 55 years residing in areas differing in outdoor air pollution levels (SO2, NOx, particulate matter, heavy metals).) Blood samples were taken for serum analysis. API and several other parameters of the specific and unspecific humoral immunity were measured using nephelometry. Information about respiratory health, active and passive smoking, type of heating and education were obtained by questionnaire. Statistical analysis was restricted to non-smokers (n-s). After adjusting for confounding variables (COPD, ETS, type of heating) we found a statistically significant (p. < 0.0001) difference between the index and the control area. One important function of API lies in the antagonism of the elastase from neutrophil granulocytes. Thus our results - which parallel those seen in smokers - may indicate an impact of environmental air pollution on the non-specific immunity of the bronchi, which are directly exposed to the pollutants. We therefore consider API as a good marker of biological effects in environmental epidemiology.