In the article the analysis of modern scientific literature on the problem of political consulting is given. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the article by I.B. Dachenkov "Trends and Development Perspectives of Political Consulting in Russia". In the article the author describes the state, the trends and the development perspectives of political consulting at the federal level. The author of this article specifies that in the development of regional political consulting there are its own peculiarities, the process of formation and development has its place. At the present stage the study of problems of regional political consulting development only starts. Little number of studies is devoted to it. Taking into consideration the lack of researchers' attention to the problems of regional political consulting development, the author believes it is necessary to consider such most important aspects as the content of the concept "regional political consulting", the experience of work of consulting companies and centres for public opinion research in Russian regions. In the article the problems of political services provision in Russian regions are defined. The author finds two groups of problems: external and internal. To external problems the author refers the problems, which do not concern the content of political services. To internal problems the author refers the problems, which reveal the content of the process of political services provision. The author of the given article names the causes of the existing problems of political services provision in Russian regions. In the article the author's definition of the concept "regional political consulting" is given. In the author's opinion regional political consulting is a sphere of intellectual activity, connected with a complex of political service, considering problems and contradictions of political life in the region, constantly varying social-political conditions in the region and directed at scientific, methodical and practical help to regional politicians. A complex of political service means the whole spectrum and arsenal of means, including political service when preparing and holding elections, preparing and carrying out political-administrative reforms. Political service, when carrying out election campaigns in regions, has informative, analytical, sociological, psychological, technical and organizational character. When carrying out political-administrative reforms in the region the following political service is used: monitoring of public opinion, referendums, live, tele-and radio conferences, and live telephone lines. In the author's opinion it is necessary to have common criteria of evaluation of political service quality. In the article the author defines the stages of formation and development of regional political consulting. In the final part of the article the author considers perspectives of regional political consulting development.