During a cell culture in a bioreactor, the cells are exposed to the shear stresses mainly generated in the culture medium by the mixing device. Beyond a critical shear stress, this exposition induces cell damages. Therefore, the limitation of the shear stress is an important criterion for the design of bioreactors. An accurate modeling of the flow and the induced shear stresses in the medium is a tool to achieve an effective design of a bioreactor. In this work, a new design of a mixing device is considered. The aims of this work are to develop a methodology to study the flow and the induced shear stresses in the device, to study and to model the relation between the flow, the induced shear stresses and the cell viability, to use the developed model as an optimization tool, and to study the design of the bioreactor mixing device and its scale-up. In a first step, the flow and the induced shear stresses in the device are simulated by Computational Fluid Dynamics. In a second step, the model of the influence of the flow and the induced shear stresses on the cell viability is established by a comparison between the computed flow and the induced shear stresses and experimental measurements of cellular viabilities for different impeller rotation speeds. Finally, the influence of another design of the mixing device on the cell viability is studied.