In article results of treatment of 20 patients more senior 60 years with osteoporotic fractures of thoracolumbar spine. To all patients has been executed percutaneous kyphoplasty. In process kyphoplasty restoration of ventral departments of the broken vertebra on 1 5 +/- 6.2 % is reached. Correction of a oca kyphosis angle is reached in limits 5-10e (7,3 +/- 2,5e). Recourse of a painful syndrome with 7,1 1,9 to 2,1 1,7 on a visual analogue scale is noted III the remote period it is noted increases in a painful syndrome, increase of a local kyphosis angle and deformations of a body of a vertebra. Thus, percutaneous kyphoplasty, being a minimally invasive astabilisation technique, allows to restore strengthening characteristics of bodies of vertebras, to increase height ventral departments of bodies, correction of the biomechanical infringements resulting fracture thereby is reached.