The role of emotional factor in the process of future foreign languages teachers. professional training, based on the principle of the role perspective is considered in the article. It is shown that the quality of professional training is stipulated by the rational implementation of the emotional means and modes. Emotional stimuli give the contents of the professionally- oriented disciplines the valuable orientation and its mastering takes place in different role situations with the usage of active forms and methods of creating tasks solving. It is revealed that the success of pedagogical activity depends upon the level of a teacher's emotional culture and the organization of the emotionally-valuable sphere for the professional image formation through the employment of pedagogical means of future foreign language teacher's emotional sphere actualization. Intellectual and emotionally-figurative means and stimuli such as disputes, debates, dialogues, discussions, creative projects, illustrations, dramatization, and conversations have a positive influence on the students. intellectually-emotional sphere actualization. For practicing future foreign language teachers. behavior in different pedagogical situations the following methods and means are used: the method of increasing conditions, the method of "testing oneself", the mode of "temporary parameter manipulation". It is revealed that information overfilled with emotions stimulates the cognitive process, intensifies students. intellectual efforts in situations of creative search and emotional discomfort, overcoming crises, neutralizing negative emotions and intellectual complications. The quality of professional training depends upon its participants. emotional state, namely general emotional excitement; communicative readiness, attitude for emotional contact and communication; inspiration and eagerness to solve educational tasks efficiently; efficiency and improvisation, emotional perception of the educational process; ruling of all the educational process participants. emotional state and mood; emotional attitude for a positive result and successful solving of the educational tasks. It is set that the role-playing means are used for the students. language activity stimulation, development of the reaction to pedagogical influence, pedagogical behavior strategy expansion, change of students. pedagogical attitude. Having employed these means in the process of the students. professional training, a tutor forms future foreign language teachers. emotional culture which serves the main component of his/her professionalism. In the professional training, built on the principle of the role perspective, harmonization of its intellectual and emotional aspects, one models the interaction of the different roles representatives. In the process of various forms of activity (games, role-play situations, dialogues, training discussions) students express different opinions concerning the raised problems, demonstrate the definite level of professional thinking and emotional flexibility, ground up their individual and professional position. Different forms, methods and means of intellectual and emotional factors disclosure in the process of professional training, based on the principle of the role perspective, give an opportunity to every student to test themselves in different roles, to experience various feelings and emotional states, to master the skill to empathize, to sympathize, to enjoy or feel upset by the results of common role activity. The technology, built on the principle of the role perspective, takes into consideration each student's interests and necessities; promotes future foreign language teachers involvement into the active process of intellectual activity; integrates the individual ideas and search of creative decisions and the projected results achievements on their basis; creates the necessary conditions for self-reflection realization in the training process and further educational activity for every each student; promotes positive motivation of learning, creates a mindset of their own activity alteration, develops creativity, independence, responsibility and initiative.