Objective: Ficus benghalensis (F. benghalensis) the banyan, is a large and extensive growing tree of the Indian subcontinent. Although many of the experimental studies validated its traditional medicinal uses, but employed uncharacterized crude extracts. This is the major drawback of most of the studies conducted worldwide. With the uncharacterized crude extracts it is very difficult to reproduce the results and identification of the bioactive metabolite. Hence, there is a need of phytochemical standardization and bioactivity guided identification of bioactive metabolites. Methods: In present research work, the detailed comparative pharmacognostic study of F. benghalensis Linn. (Stern bark) was carried out to lay down the standards which could be useful in future experimental studies. The study includes macroscopy, physicochemical evaluation, preliminary phytochemical screening, chromatographic evaluation and fluorescence analysis etc. Results: Macroscopic study revealed the presence of brownish colour, stimulant odour, astringent taste and rough with fracture texture of F. henghalensis Linn. stem bark. Foreign matter, total ash, water soluble ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble extractive value, alcohol soluble extractive value and loss on drying were found to be 1.58%, 11%, 5.13%, 2.46%, 13.00%, 8.2% and 10 % w/w respectively. Phytochemical investigation of various extracts of F. benghalensis Linn. stem bark indicated the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, phenolic compounds and tannins. The powdered drug is also characterized on the bases of fluorescence, chromatographic analysis and by the treatment with different reagents. Conclusion: The results of the following study will definitely provide a convincing support to its future pharmaceutical application.