A batch procedure was developed to allow rapid assessment of applicability of biological phosphorus removal (BPR) to a specific location and its wastewater. This procedure requires anoxic (anaerobic) and then aerobic phases in sequence with enriched cultures and takes approximately 4 to 8 hours. Sodium acetate was used to verify adequacy of available carbon source. This procedure was verified with data from two full scale plants, one using the A/O, the other the PhoStrip processes. Cases for both favorable and unfavorable to BPR are presented. Monitoring parameters found useful included D.O., orthophosphate, volatile acids, and COD. Volatile acid concentration in particular appeared to be a key element required for BPR. ORP and ATP was found useful to a lesser degree, due to their sensitivity to many environmental factors. This procedure is also shown to be a useful tool in detecting toxic impacts of the waste water on the cultures responsible for BPR. It is therefore recommended that this simplified procedure should be carried out in assessing the BPR feasibility in addition to evaluation of conventional parameters.