Inhalation of organic solvents can affect vigilance and reaction time in humans. An animal model of vigilance was designed to assess the effects of toluene on these processes. Adult male Long-Evans rats were trained to detect auditory signals (20-msec increases in the intensity of white noise). Two to 4 s after each signal (or blank period), two retractable levers were inserted into the test chamber. A press on one lever after a signal and on the other lever after a blank resulted in the delivery of food. Signal detection analysis showed that sensitivity (Sensitivity Index, SI) and response bias (Responsivity Index, RI) increased with signal intensity, indicating that loud signals were more detectable than soft signals and that the animals' criterion for responding ''signal'' increased with signal intensity. Response latency for correct choices was faster for signal trials than for blank trials. Toluene vapor was added to the airstream of these chambers at concentrations of 0, 1000, 1500, or 2000 ppm, either 10 or 30 min before testing and for the duration of each 1-h test. In air, SI increased across the duration of the test; this within-session improvement was reversed by toluene. RI did not change in air; it was decreased by toluene at the beginning of each exposure session, returned to the control level during exposure to 1000 and 1500 ppm toluene and exceeded air control after 40 min exposure to 2000 ppm toluene. Latency increased monotonically across toluene concentrations and time on test. Neither signal intensity nor the duration of toluene exposure before testing altered these effects of toluene. SI, RI, and latency baselines were recovered after toluene exposure indicating that no persistent effects of toluene were detectable. This conclusion was supported by data from other rats showing that toluene exposure (2000 ppm for 2 h/day for 4 consecutive days) did not affect auditory thresholds, as determined by reflex modification of an acoustic startle response using a 16 kHz tone as a prepulse stimulus, 7 or 17 days after exposure to toluene. Finally, rats tested immediately or 20 min after exposure to 0, 1000, 1500, or 2000 ppm toluene were not affected by the vapor, indicating that the impairment observed during toluene inhalation did not persist beyond the period of exposure.