The main challenge of agriculture due to current population growth and changing in food preferences is to guarantee food access. The agricultural intensification in the last 20 years have led to soil degradation, water pollution and food insecurity. Worldwide, the unsustainable use of raw material and fossil energy has exploded during the past 50 years, with dreadful consequences for the global environment. Enterprises have embraced a variety of environmental, social and economic initiatives at all levels of their operations. Most of enterprises that have moved their operations toward developing markets, embraced Corporate Social Responsibility as a key factor in business growth and environmental social and economic strategies. To date, the current global situation led to few questions such as: can we produce enough food to feed growing human numbers that is expected to be 9 billion projected for 2050? How can Corporate Social Responsibility refer to enterprises moving to developing markets, taking responsibility for their impact on society and environment and guarantee food production? What is the role of business in facing the critical issues of human development and environmental sustainability in developing countries? In this context, possible research priorities on CSR are to increase competitiveness of enterprises through sustainable agriculture intensification, quality of life, new improved technologies and innovation capacity with a different modus operandi in Europe and in developing markets such as Asia, Africa, Latin America, without forgetting the fundamental role of the sustainable development that constitutes one of the biggest opportunities in the history of commerce.