Observers from the National Marine Fisheries Service collected information on catch rates of shrimp aboard commercial shrimp vessels during March 1988-August 1990. Comparisons were made between nets equipped with Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) and standard shrimp nets. Three types of TEDs were tested: Georgia TEDs with and without accelerator funnels, and Super Shooter TEDs with funnels. Fishing areas, time of day, and duration of tows were controlled by the captain of each vessel to simulate commercial conditions. A statistically-significant (P<0.05) mean loss in shrimp catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) of 0.24 lb/h (3.6%) and 0.93 lb/h (13.6%) was exhibited by nets equipped with Georgia TEDs (with and without funnels, respectively) compared with standard nets. There was no significant difference in shrimp CPUE between standard nets and nets equipped with Super Shooter TEDs with a funnel.